I like to paint on walls and other things.
I have painted many exterior walls in my time, this was the longest at roughly 1 Kilometre.
I painted in one continuous white line changing shape to describe gardeners, guitars, cats, snails, dogs and singers along the way down the street
The locals kids tell me they like to follow the line down the street tracing the lines with their fingers and hands down the walls on the way to school.
Thessaly road, London

This project was a collaboration with the Edible bus stop.
The community success of the 1 kilometre white line wall led to local school St Georges primary to host a project.
When we workshopped ideas for the space the students decided they would like to see a full-size blue humpback whale on the playground wall.
The entire wall was painted with Graphenstone paint, an ECO friendly lime-based paint that actually absorbs C02.
During the project the students were able to calculate that our whale would absorb 30kg of ambient C02 over 5 years.
This could be the first time a painted mural has had direct eco-function in one of the most polluted areas of London.